With the utmost attention to detail to deliver impeccable results while preventing relapse Orthodontics is of great importance in adjusting jaw problems and eliminating spaces and spaces between the teeth, open bite, and other problems that can not be resolved. If not treated at an early age, the child will suffer later Which may result from some erroneous habits such as sucking the fingers and pushing the tongue to the front teeth and breathing wrong: The best age for a follow-up paediatrician is from 6 to 12 until any problems he or she suffers before reaching the age of 14, which is the age at which the growth of the jaw bone stops, will require surgical intervention rather than evaluation in some cases, such as bites and bites. Open. What is the reversed bite: is the presence of the upper teeth behind the lower teeth causing deformity of the child and the negative impact on the gums and the growth of the jaws While the open bite: the absence of occlusion between the upper teeth and lower teeth It is known that it is normal that the upper teeth (front) cover the lower side by a certain amount (20% -30%). Causing great problems for the child in speech and chewing.